Hershey Pt.1..Demo

Our Hershey House...

We moved to Hershey, Pa. in 2003 to
 become house Parents at a boarding school.
I hated the job, but loved the town. 

The students were awesome, 
but I just couldn’t split my time 
between them and my own kids....
my kids won out and we quit.
Our employment provided free housing 
so we found a rental in town.  
O.K., the truth is, we had found the rental just as 
we moved to Hershey because 
we had a dog and the school didn’t allow pets. 
So, I always said that we had free housing, 
but our dog was renting an apartment...

We rented the downstairs apartment while the 
upstairs was also being rented. 
The landlord agreed to sell it to us and we set out on redesigning the whole thing.
In our minds we thought it would be so easy to 
convert it back to a single family,
only thing..It had never been a single family. 

Beware....tons of photos!

The ceilings went from 7.5 feet to 9.5 feet.
Zac had guys from the basketball team come help.
I do not know how we did not get electrocuted.
Future living room. We found water pipes behind the wall..far right of photo
There are the pipes...That long window was replaced.
The metal pole was hidden in my new pantry.
The dining room wall.
This is what the front looked like.
Believe it or not, we loved this house.
The back patio, future family room.

The grassy area, future garage with Master upstairs.
Our front door is under the awning.
Dark and gloomy.
Loaded with junk as we prepare for demo.
My Dad and Zac removing hideous awning.
Taking the sun room apart. 

The original back slab getting demolished.

He was so excited...Clay :-) 
We found this under the original brick patio. 

This is where the garage ended up. 

These are the forms for our family room. 
 Better perspective of the family room 
The garage footers poured on the right. 

The garage and the future master upstairs. 

Finally adding the walls! 

My Dad and Dave removing the door that went to the upstairs apartment. 
The awning is down. 
Back patio area 

This is looking into the future family room. 
The "kitchen" to the left mudroom straight ahead. 
Family room 
The toy room off the family room. 
Standing with your back to family room, kitchen on right, looking at front door. 
The front parking area being destroyed. 
The view out our front window. The kids loved it. 
Our contractors adding the front sidewalk.

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