Friday, February 3, 2012

A day in the life...

Remember when I bought the moss rocks at the dollar store?  
This is what I did with them. I bought the bowl for $2 at the thrift store we volunteer at.
Its the perfect size to fit in front of the window.

I have seen these wall rulers for months in blog land and decided that I wanted to have one as well.
I plan to transfer all the measurements I've taken for years onto just this one.
 Truth be told...It's been hanging for 2 months and I still haven't done it...maybe that should go on my February goal list :-)

These are a few shots of my bedroom, and we had the dog trainer visit our home last night. Are you wondering what those things have to do with each other? I'll tell you..
We have been having issues with our chocolate lab. He's big, strong and confused.
Evidently, the confusion comes from being weak and lazy...
us, not the dog!
He has learned from us that he is boss because we don't know how to be. The worst part...he doesn't know how to be boss either. He's a nervous wreck because he doesn't know his place.

You see, we had an Akita for 14 1/2 years. During his prime, he weighed 135 pounds. We did everything right with him. Private dog lessons, in home training and teaching submission. After he died we thought..oh, we'll just get a lab.
That's about how much thought we put into it. Period.
See why we're having issues? 
We've done NOTHING to guide him.

Back to my bedroom...

You see the chair on the left there? {picture below}
That is where we are going to try and have Auggie sleep at night.
The trainer feels that this will help him feel more secure and it will be easier for us to YELL
tell him to be quiet if he barks at night.

I could barely lure him in with a snack. 
The plan is to just leave the door open but provide him 
with his own space.

 I have no idea if this will work, but I'm tired of my dogs ruling the house...Yes, I said dogS..we have a beagle too.  She's a whole separate post!

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