Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A few things I did this summer..2012

I finally painted my bathroom. I have painted this room 3 times. When we moved in, it was floor to ceiling red striped wallpaper. In the WHOLE room. I would look at the walls while taking a bath and I swear they were moving!

We then went with an orangey color..WAY too much orange. Then a pale yellow. You see that brown stripe around the bath tub? It used to be pink { just like the vanity, countertop and most of the walls in our  house..} Then one day
I decided to paint it brown. I used countertop paint.
This is the color I painted our countertops in our bathroom. This is my sons bathroom, 
but the only picture I's called Giani Granite and it's amazing!
Anyway...This is just a random picture of our beagle. 
I love that her head is actually under her bed and that she has a cheese stick wrapper next to her paw.
Something else we did this summer was move our oldest 
out of the house! 
He moved further in town and is much closer to work and school.

This is the way my mind works..
all night I would wake up and add to this list.
This is his room. It's probably 20x25. We attached a cable to each side of his wall and then clipped up black sheets. The room is divided into 4 sections. Sleeping, writing, dining, and t.v.
It was a lot of fun to surprise hime when he got home from work.
I have been trying to get the school year off strong and 
have neglected uploading pictures...I'll try to be better!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nashville Part 3

Did I wait long enough to finally publish these pictures?
Things have been BUSY! 
More on that later...

The last leg of our trip we went to 
The Gaylord Palms resort Center. 
That's really the only word needed to describe it. 
I absolutely love the fact that you feel like you're outdoors....
{with no humidity}

I would love to stay here sometime, but that will never happen.

I so wish I could get my backyard this beautiful.
Always posing.

We also went on a river boat cruise in Lebanon, TN. 
It took place on Hickory Lake, home to Johnny Cash's 
original place.

This is an old boat..
and that's about all I can remember 6 weeks later..
I promise though, It had a great story :-/.

This is a shot of Reba McEntires home. Is it pathetic that I can remember everything he said about her, her property and the drunk guy who tried to dock on her dock and walk up the yard...but I can't remember anything important about that old boat? Ugh..

The boat you see in the picture is full of coal. Approximately 6 or 7 "tug" boats deliver coal to this machine. An arm picks up the coal and drops it on a conveyor belt that then transfers it 2 miles to the plant. I was absolutely fascinated by this..
Here's the plant that the coal is delivered could see the conveyor built going into the building..
O.K., I'm not really sure why I think it's so amazing.
...but I just imagine all the cool movies that could be made using that conveyor belt. 
Perhaps instead of the top of a train, they could have people fighting on this belt and have a 
narrow escape as it enters the building...
Anybody with me?
Of course, I have forgotten the number of people that this building services and the amount of electricity it provides...
Total loser I tell you!
We ended the cruise parked in front of this bat cave. We waited until it was just about dark and then all the bats slowly started to fly out. It wasn't like the pictures from the Austin, Tx. bat cave, but it was really fun. I tried to get pictures, but it was just too dark...
The beautiful sunset on our way back.